Why Join Us:

  • Professional Recognition: which means that clients and prospects will have more confidence in you and are more likely to buy your services
  • Continuous Professional Development: you qualify for discounted fees for the Institute’s Certificate course and its CPD Workshops
  • Networking: enables you to learn from others and gain opportunities from which you can benefit financially and professionally
  • New Business Opportunities: which means that you get the opportunity to do business that you might not have been in line for. This thanks to our Enquiry Circulation Service whereby the Institute receives enquiries for assistance from business, entrepreneurs and inventors which are freely distributed to members who register with us to receive them.
  • Expert Assignments: Many opportunities arise through members and their connections which can lead to valuable international business for you.
  • Representation: Acting as client advocates on an informed IP basis often helps client companies secure deals and or improve terms – we help you do this or find a member who can when your client has a need.
  • Exchange of Ideas: the interflow of ideas is often critical to the successful performance of your assignment thanks to pooling and transfer of specialist skills and experience as needed.
  • Newsletter: "Exploits": The IIPL produces its own informative journal with specialist articles on areas of topical concern and keeps you informed as well as up to date regards ongoing Institute business

For further details please contact us or just sign up to gain access to the free IIPL Knowledge Vault and start receiving our regular Newsletter and email alerts.

We look forward to hearing from you!